On September 5, 2017 we released CloudStack-UI version 1.49.9. This release is a bugfix release. The key change in the release is the modification of the version naming scheme, which was aligned with the Apache Cloudstack versions releases. Thus, in version 1.49.9, the value of the numbers is:
- “1” - responsible for the concept of the interface that is currently used;
- “49” - responsible for compatibility with ACS, currently 4.9;
- “9” - the current version of the CloudStack-UI product.
In the future, with the increase of releases lifetime, the fourth number may appear. It will mean the minor version, and will be designed to reflect changes related to bug fixes within the current version of the product. In the current version of Apache Cloudstack 4.9.X we plan one more release (1.49.10), in which the we will complete the migration to Material 2, fix errors of medium and low level, and introduce number of interface improvements related to usability and customization capabilities.
After release 1.49.10 we plan to switch the development environment to CloudStack 4.10.0. The following releases will have names 1.410.X and will be tested for compatibility only with the latest version of Apache CloudStack 4.10.X. From release 1.410.X on we will move to a longer release versions lifecycle, i.e. 1 month (current release cycle is 2 weeks).
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