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Apache CloudStack Virtual Machines Log Management Plug-in

From 2017 we actively contribute into open source cloud management platform Apache CloudStack. Those efforts had began from developing of CloudStack-UI, a modern CloudStack frontend interface, during development of that product we became involved deeper into core product and suggested several product improvements and fixed number of bugs. CloudStack is an extensible product with very flexible plug-in interface which enables the creation of extensions which change system behavior or implement new, previously missing features.

Today, we are proud to present our new contribution to CloudStack - cloud-vm-logs, a plug-in purposed for VM log records collecting, storage and management. The plug-in permits administrators to integrate log management with CloudStack, shifting the accent from the infrastructure provisioning and managemnt to the application management. The plug-in is built around Filebeat, Logstash, Elasticsearch, a proven scalable stack for log management.

The extension allows users filter records by time, journal files and keywords. In the next published version we plan to provide a console utility for logs access and implement additional API features for a log statistics and journal retention configuration.

We granted it to the community under Apache License 2. Source code in Java is uploaded on GitHub. If you find the plug-in useful, please give us a feedback and suggest improvements.

A recipe for removing of zombie tasks in DC/OS environment

When using DC/OS in scalable systems, tens or even hundreds of servers are often used. As necessary or in emergency situations, the nodes reboot, in this case the DC/OS frameworks determine the unavailability of tasks and start them on other live nodes or wait when the disconnected nodes are online again and restart the stopped tasks on them.

Sometimes this leads to the appearance of tasks in exotic states that can not be removed by both UI and DC/OS CLI tools.

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Make CI/CD Work: proven practices and recommendations

We have been using CI/CD in all of our projects for the last four years, and selectively started to use it eight years ago. We have achieved significant features delivery pace with mastering CI/CD practices. It also helped us to increase the quality of delivered software products. If you are looking for the implementation of CI/CD tools and processes in the engineering teams, take a look at the following factors, which influence on its success and benefits. Ignoring those factors likely leads to failures and inefficiency during CI/CD implementation. We have discovered those success factors after several years of trials, but you will decrease the efforts and the time of adoption greatly, will avoid typical mistakes following them.

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'You build It, You Run It' Principle for Software Development

In recent years, requirements for the software delivery pace have significantly gone up. At the same time, customers expect the same highest quality and the most frequent integration of changes into a product.

Suppliers have to improve development approaches to meet clients’ expectations on an efficient supplier and meet personnel expectations on an innovative and modern organization as well. Under the influence of these trends, traditional development approaches, where a development team consists of separated departments with highly specialized engineers working like an assembly-line (develop - test - deploy - run), start transforming into more universal units of mixed specialization.

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Storing trees in RDBMS

Trees are one of the ways to represent hierarchical structures and thus are used in many problem domains. This article discusses the four most popular ways of representing trees in RDBMS by using an example from a simple problem domain.

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